Products not only for automotive industry

Here you will find basic information about the wide variety of services that we offer for the automotive and other industries. Our long time cooperation with excellent domestic and foreign partners allows us to supply an extensive range of products. Thanks to our own storage and logistics our deliveries can be flexible according to customer wishes.

Aftermarket steering parts

Our main assortment consists of aftermarket steering parts for Czech cars, trucks and fork lifts - Skoda, Avia, Karosa and Desta. We can supply the following:

Škoda Favorit, Felicia, Fabia, Octavia

ball joints, axial rods complete steering

Avia A21, A31, A60

ball joints, shifting rods


shifting joint, ball joints


ball joints, steering box

If you would like to learn more about our full assortment e-mail us and we will gladly send you our complete price list or make a specific quote.

We will also gladly work with you on development of new products.

Samples of our products